Mortgage Lead Processing Made Easy


Loan officers often find the process of generating, organizing and communicating with mortgage leads one of their biggest challenges each day. Navigating multiple spreadsheets, forms and tasks quickly becomes time consuming and tedious - making Agent Legend an indispensable tool in providing personalized communication between LOs and leads in an engaging fashion.

Career originators aspire to generate enough quality mortgage leads on an ongoing basis in order to keep their pipeline full, and are typically dependent on referrals from real estate agents, business professionals and past clients as sources for mortgage leads. Leveraging the Internet and other modern marketing techniques may supplement this strategy as well.

Many mortgage lenders rely on mortgage scoring to prioritize and focus their marketing efforts on the most promising leads. This process assesses a prospective borrower's ability to purchase a home by assigning scores based on factors like their credit history, income level and debt-to-income ratio - eliminating low-quality leads while saving both time and money by zeroing in on those likely to convert into customers.

Social media channels offer another valuable source of mortgage leads. Generating and sharing engaging content that highlights the unique benefits of your product or service can attract qualified prospects while building brand recognition, whether through blog posts, videos, infographics, mortgage memes or webinars. Generating and disseminating valuable and relevant content will eventually lead to more qualified leads and ultimately closed loans.

Online advertising can also be an effective means of targeting mortgage prospects on search engines like Google and Bing, with keywords and locations targeted ads providing mortgage companies the chance to reach the right people with relevant ads that reach out directly. Utilizing targeted online ads as part of an affordable and efficient marketing strategy for most LOs.

Bankrate, NerdWallet and Credit Karma are popular financial websites and can serve as excellent leads for mortgage leads. Consumers searching for various financial products including a mortgage are drawn in by these sites because of their rate comparison tables that enable prospects to easily research and compare lenders all in one place.

Mortgage loan officers (LOs) can generate mortgage leads by sponsoring or hosting local community events. Not only will this allow LOs to connect with real estate agents and mortgage brokers, but participants often share contact info which provides another great source of mortgage leads.


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